
Our motivation

Two fairly different perspectives:
  • One of preparation— given that resources are limited and the future is increasingly unpredictable
  • One of aspiration— given that human beings are fulfilled when productively engaged in meaningful pursuits and connected to community (How we would hope to live anyway!)
Point to the same solution:
  • Re-localization to build more vibrant, connected, and sustainable communities

So, we have chosen to work with family, friends and neighbors to build a more sustainable community worth living in. We begin with the basics, food, because it is the very foundation of our beings and therefore inextricably connected to our culture and its interactions with the larger biosphere. We believe cultivating sustainability in this way this is good, not only for ourselves and our community, but as a practical model that can be replicated for the betterment of the world.

Organically cultivating sustainability is our most productive and meaningful pursuit.

Our Farm

Amethyst Farm (named for the Amethyst Brook that runs through it), is an increasingly horse- and solar-powered, historic, diversified, family farm on APR land in the heart of Amherst MA.

We strive to go beyond organic, incorporating elements of permaculture, regenerative agriculture, low- and no-till cropping, animal power, re-localization, and myriad sustainability practices, all in service to our environment, our people, and our community.

We offer a complete equine facility, CSA vegetable shares, horse-drawn wagon/sleigh rides, Nigerian dwarf goats, alpaca fiber and educational opportunities. As hands-on experimentalists at heart, we always have a number of side “projects” going on too. Come and connect!