03/03/2017: CISA’s “Local Hero Spotlight” An interview with Bernard Brennan of Amethyst Farm, on WRSI’s The River. (Link)
01/05/2017. A Family Weekend in Western Massachusetts. (Link)
07/22/2015: Need to clear those weeds? Amherst’s Goat Girls can get the job done. (Link) (The Goat Girls were hosted at Amethyst Farm)
03/24/2015. Amherst Farmers Market opening up to more producers. (Link)
05/16/2014: CISA’s “Local Hero Spotlight” An interview with Ryan Karb of Many Hands Farm Corps at Amethyst Farm, on WRSI’s The River. (Link)
12/29/2013: Discarded Christmas trees sought in Amherst to feed goats. (Link)
11/26/2013. All Things Local indoor year-round farmers market co-op opens in downtown Amherst. (Link)
11/28/2012. 2013 calendar celebrates Massachusetts agriculture. July features our draft horses tedding hay. (Link)
10/21/2012: Bringing on the horse power. Amherst farmer putting animals back to work. (Link)
10/21/2012. Amherst farmer promotes use of horse power. (Link)
02/06/2011. Hens may find new homes in Amherst. (Link)
12/13/2011. Draft Horse Power at Amethyst Farm. (Link)